Monday, March 12, 2007


I spent a good portion of the weekend liberating myself from CDs and it feels great. I have transcended the physical medium of compact discs and ascended to pure data.

Basically I went through every single CD and matched it up with its cover art. If the CD was in good condition and I had the case it went in my Music Trader pile so I can get sweet sweet credit. If the CD was scratched or missing its case it went into the trash. Every CD that I had a desire to ever listen to again got ripped. I have upwards of 4800 songs in my collection now. The only CDs I kept were a rare Jason and Jane Christmas CD that they made for friends and the Hulk Hogan CD which I couldn't bear to throw away.

"But... but... what about the cover art and the liner notes?" I know. I thought about this. I realized I'm not 16 anymore and really don't read liner notes after I first buy the CD (if at all). If you are reading this Cory, I apologize. I don't mean to disparage your craft.

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