Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Coconut Doughnut

It is a scientific fact that no one likes coconut doughnuts. The sole reason for their existence is to make the other eleven doughnuts look delicious by comparison.

"Hmmm. There are only two doughnuts left in box. I wish I hadn't cruised in to work at 9:30 today. Let me see, the first one appears to be a talcum-powdered, lemon-jelly filled doughnut. The lemon jelly has clearly been sucked out through the jelly whole already. You can see the lipstick marks. It looks like a giant, deflated pimple. The other one is coconut. I think I'll go with the pimple."


Anonymous said...

Bastard.. I love coconut donuts.

Anonymous said...

Bastard.. I love coconut donuts.