Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Planetary Naming Conventions

The easiest promises to break are the promises you make to yourself. The most recent self-promise I broke was to not buy any more gimmicky shirts from This has nothing to do with Threadless not being awesome (it is), but I have way too many gimmicky threadless shirts. I was only going to buy the abstract artsy looking ones from now on. That agreements with myself was shattered yesterday when I purchased this lovely shirt labeled "Planetary Status". Ha Ha! Stupid Pluto. I can't wait for it to come in the mail.

Planetary Status

This shirt got me thinking about all the lazy marketing people who named their product/service/business after a planet. They might say they named it after the original god name that inspired the planet name but that would be a lie.

Here is my list of well known planet rip-offs. This is all I could think of without any Geating (that is cheating with Google. Get it? I just made it up).

Mercury - The insurance company. The car brand.
Venus - The woman's razor.
Earth - None I can think of. I guess it would be confusing calling your product earth since, you know, we all live here.
Mars - The candy bar.
Jupiter - Not sure on this one. Isn't a Jupiter research group or something?
Saturn - The car brand.
Uranus - The punch line to many jokes but I can' think of any brands.
Neptune - Hmmm. The band (or are they producers)?
Pluto - The dog.


Anonymous said...

Venus is also the name of a women's culture magazine. Earth is a really loud, thudding prog-metal band from the Pacific Northwest.

DvS said...

I wore this shirt to work on Friday and got exactl zero comments. I had to go so far as to say "Hey! Look at my shirt. It's brilliant." Genius is simply lost on some people.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That shirt is amazing. Honestly and truly. I can't get over how rad it is. Nice job, D. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I'm the anonymous. I just didn't see that part coming. my bad.


Unknown said...

I seem to remember from back in the day that Jupiter is a the name of a company that made trumpets.