Sunday, November 25, 2007

Movie Reviews

I have a confession to make. I love reading movie reviews. I read them before I see a movie, after I see a movie, and, in some cases, while seeing a movie. Netflix stocks some snoozer.
  • I read movie reviews to help me decide which movies to see.

  • I read movie reviews to validate my opinions about a movie after I have already seen it.

  • I read movie reviews to help me appreciate a movie more. Caveat: I also read IMDB for this purpose.

This last point is the one I want to discuss because it is the least obvious.

Movie critics help us decipher between "good" movies and "bad" movies. I understand that rating art is inherently tricky. However the art of movie making has much more structure, and therefore rateable criteria, than... say... painting. If most most critics give a movie a high rating, it is likely a good movie based on the standard set of rating rules which make a movie "good." This doens't mean that the average person won't enjoy the movie. I'm sure a lot of people came out smiling after seeing Kazaam.

This brings me to No Country for Old Men, which I saw Saturday. This movie is good. Really, really good. This is the kind of movie that your unborn child is going to be writing a paper about in their college film class in 20 years.

I am glad I read some reviews of this movie before I saw it. Since I knew I was about to see a good movie I prepared myself to closely watch each scene and look for metaphors, pay special attention to the lighting, and keep my mouth shut so I didn't miss any important lines. It is like getting a very expensive dinner at a posh restaurant. You know a lot of time and effort went into the dish so you eat it slowly and savor it.

After I saw the movie I re-read the movie reviews and liked the movie even more. Critics understand the craft of film-making more that I do and their insight adds to my appreciation.

Go see this movie. I understand I am getting your hopes up. Trust me. It helps.


Anonymous said...

We saw it last Saturday too. Totally loved it.

Anonymous said...

I always read reviews, mostly for the same reasons that you do. The only reviews that still baffle me are the good reviews from "Let's Go To Prison". Don't get me wrong, 90% of the reviews made it clear that the movie was unwatchabley terrible and terribly unwatchable. But a few crackhead review-writer-people said it was really funny. And I love Will Arnett oh so much. So I wasted 25 minutes of my life watching it. Yes, I said 25 minutes. I watched in on 16x fast forward. Don't watch that movie.

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for a new post ! Inquiring minds want to know what is on Daniel's mind...