Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Late Night Gaming

Ginette frequently has the opening shift which means she is up very early by herself and I am up late very by myself. Up until about 6 months ago this meant lots and lots of World of Warcraft. I forced myself to quit because it was just too much of a time sink.

I miss it.

My current replacement game (i.e. nicotine patch) is Titan Quest. Think of it as a poor man's version of Warcraft where you are the only person on the server. In addition, all the quest givers give long winded speeches that end with "kill everything in a linear path... or not... I really don't care". Playing this game is like reading the back of the cereal box at breakfast. It's better than just sitting there with your Golden Grahams but it isn't entertaining for long.

What I really miss is the human interaction that came with Warcraft. I may be sitting alone at my desk staring at a computer screen but I am confident in the knowledge that thousands of others are doing the exact same thing at the same moment. I can even wave to a stranger in the virtual landscape and it is likely he, or sometimes even she, will wave back. When I play Titan Quest I have no such reassurances. I think to myself, "I might be the only person on planet earth who is playing Titan Quest right now."

That's just sad.

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