Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Passionate Love

I was at Trader Joe's tonight and I thought to myself "I love you madly Trader Joe's". I then opened my mouth and repeated the same thing. Bad idea.

It got me thinking about what brands I passionately love. These are brands that have built up a masssive savings account of Dainel Goodwill and would need to make some serious missteps to lose it.

They can do no wrong. When they screw up I immediately forgive them, pull them onto my back and give them a super-bouncy piggyback ride around my living room.

It wouldn't do them justice to go into details about why I love them. In fact they would probably get embarassed. I'll just quickly show their logos. You don't mind do you guys?


Anonymous said...

I have a really bad cold and sore throat right now, which prevented me from rolling on the floor with laughter after reading this post. But I did inside.

Keith said...

I love you madly Blizzard Entertainment!