Friday, July 28, 2006


So I biked to work today. It was more out of necessity than anything since my beloved Volvo is in the shop. According to my nifty bike computer this was a total of 2.01 miles in 12 minutes. To be fair there are 2 gnarly hills.

By the time I got to work my shirt was soaked through. When is it ever 80 degrees and 65% humidity at 8am in San Diego! I mean give me a break here.

On the plus side there were some coworkers who saw me bike in sweating like a pig. I know they must secretly think that I just finished an epic ride or something. Oh ya.

1 comment:

*britt* said...

way to go daniel! that's still an impressive ride. i'm sure people thought you're totally hardcore... did you tell 'em it's uphill both ways?