Friday, July 28, 2006


So I biked to work today. It was more out of necessity than anything since my beloved Volvo is in the shop. According to my nifty bike computer this was a total of 2.01 miles in 12 minutes. To be fair there are 2 gnarly hills.

By the time I got to work my shirt was soaked through. When is it ever 80 degrees and 65% humidity at 8am in San Diego! I mean give me a break here.

On the plus side there were some coworkers who saw me bike in sweating like a pig. I know they must secretly think that I just finished an epic ride or something. Oh ya.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Most Popular

One of my daily visted websites is Yahoo! News Most Popular. It displays the top 10 articles and pictures for the day in 3 different categories; Most Emailed, Most Viewed, and Most Recommended. I couldn't help but relish the juxtaposition of today's most viewed and most recommended pictures.

What we recommned to others: Destruction in the Middle East

What we actually want to look at: Pretty girls

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I remember reading this article and chuckling back in 2004. He He, 5 blades. No way.

Then right around the super bowl they put out this bad boy.

Gotta love SNL for taking it to the logical extreme with the Platinum Mach 14.

During all the hullabaloo I went electric...