Monday, September 10, 2007


I haven't posted anything legitimate in a while. I understand that. I don't want to be that guy you consider removing from your feeds list because he never posts to his lame vanity blog.

That being said, here is a cop-out list that briefly summarizes everything I can think of that is awesome or lame that I have done in the past few months. Looking over the list now things have definitely been more awesome than lame, which is, in itself, awesome.

  • New baby - awesome

  • diapers - lame

  • My high school reunion not happening - lame

  • Bioshock (PC version of course) - awesome

  • Selling my Xbox on Ebay - awesome

  • Silversun Pickups - awesome

  • Switching cars with Ginette since babies like Volvos more than Integras - lame

  • Crosswords - awesome

  • Those nasty, freezer burned vegetable potstickers I shouldn't have eaten becuase they made me sick - lame

  • All you can eat sushi (twice!) - awesome

  • The Sopranos (seasons 1&2) - awesome

  • Harry Potter (books 1, 2, 3, and 1/4 of 4) - awesome

  • Reruns on my Tivo - lame

  • Upping Netflix to 5-at-a-time - awesome